Monday, September 27, 2010

Beach Construction

It was pretty hot in the southland on Monday. So hot, in fact, that the National Weather Service thermometer in downtown L.A. broke, at 113 degrees. There was only one place for the reasonable person to be on a day like this - the beach.

Ah yes, the beach. Encinitas, August 2005

Unfortunately, I was at my dentist's office instead, cranking my jaw open to get a couple cavities filled. Damn you, post-workout-gatorade-and-protein drink. Fortunately, my dentist's office is right next to the beach, so after the hard work was done I felt entitled to a little R&R.

There was a nice, cool breeze, the ocean water felt great, and I was about ready for a little swim when I realized that I hadn't brought any sunscreen. Given that it was 3 in the afternoon, the sun was pretty intense, and I was teaching the next day, this presented a problem. Swim aborted.

Sticks lashed together with kelp

The beach, however, could not be abandoned, and fortunately I had a plan. With me I had brought a large bedsheet to sit on. Lying on the beach I found sticks, rocks, and kelp. Add ingenuity:

Custom umbrella

After a few minutes, I managed to tie some sticks together, build a frame, and drape the sheet over it, creating a cozy little sunshade. I was pretty proud of myself. This has nothing on bearbagging.

Note tether line with attached rock to thwart troublesome wind

UV damage averted, I was able to relax for a couple hours listening to the waves, and watching the seagulls and pelicans before joining my buddy Ryan for dinner. Not a bad day, even with the dentist!


  1. Good seeing you man.

    I love the "to thwart troublesome wind" comment!

  2. I think you should start a section on ad-hoc tents you've constructed all over the earth. I remember you engineering something on the beaches near Noosa as well. Nice work with the kelp.
