I often tell people that the best part about being a grad student is that you can pick any 27 hours out of the day that you want to get your work done. If you're very efficient, you only get 3 hours further behind every day.
This is of course a bit of an exaggeration, but there's truth to the sentiment, and I do appreciate the flexibility. So when the Sisters Galvez (whom I was fortunate to meet on my hike the other day) said they were down for a midweek hike in the rain, I was all in!
We headed for one of my favorite nearby beaches, driving through intermittent rain along the way. Upon arrival the rain had stopped, but picturesque, gray clouds remained overhead:
We were lucky to have arrived near low tide, which gave us a chance to visit the sea caves. As some may recall...
Of course the best part is sharing that joy with others, and my companions seemed to enjoy the sea caves too:
We all liked the view so much that we decided to hang out and enjoy lunch inside the cave:
When we emerged, the sun too had emerged from behind the clouds, providing some very nice scenery for a stroll along the water:
I thought it was really great to have seen both the cloudy and sunny scenes on the same day. A friend later told me that according to the weather radar, clouds and rain had covered the area all day. We must have been in just the right spot.
Another vote for spontaneity. Carpe diem, eh?
This definitely falls in the "good shit" category.