Sunday, May 16, 2010

Return to Paseo Miraniebla

I nombre niebla: the heavy fog kept us from arriving on time, la densa niebla nos impidió llegar a tiempo

Last time I went hiking at Paseo Miramar was in the middle of a torrential rainstorm, so while I thoroughly enjoyed the trip, I didn't exactly get to see the spectacular views that everybody raves about. So, when friends Jay and Julia suggested a Sunday morning hike on the westside, I figured what better opportunity to revisit and see the sights?!

Julia navigates our way through the dense fog. Notice her excellent choice of cardinal and gold Trojan Crew gear. Fight On! At least Jay got the hat right.

We hit the 5mi roundtrip, 1000' net elevation gain trail around 9:45, again under a dense marine layer. Beginning the hike, the homes and coastline of Pacific Palisades were visible through the fog, and I figured by the time we got to the top at Parker Mesa, the sky would be clear.

We spotted many wildflowers, birds, and lizards along the way, as well as some poison oak, which prompted a diatribe on my part about this plant's passive-aggressive cowardice. Beware the upcoming tangent...

Seriously. A thorny cactus I can respect. It makes its intention to harm well-known, and provides fair warning and opportunity for me to avoid it. Likewise the poisonous berry, which while using its bright, shiny fruit to attract me in an effort to spread its seed at least requires that I make a conscious effort to do it mortal harm before it levies any damage. Stupid poison oak, on the other hand, just lies there in wait for me to incidentally brush past, gives no announcement of its presence or my violation of its space (particularly during non-leaved times of year), then days later strikes out with an itchy, malicious rash. Were it a predator that required such a strategy to catch me, or if it benefited in some way from deceptively brushing across my leg, I'd still be pissed, but I'd have to offer my respect. But no. Hey, P.O., what's your problem dude? That's just not cool. Stand up and fight me like a man! A plant with no integrity. F.U.P.O.

As a side note, I would welcome any input from a trained botanist (or other expert) on exactly what evolutionary (or otherwise) advantage is afforded the poison oak/ivy/sumac by it's evil itchiness. Speaking of evolution, check out this funny badge I spotted on the back of someone's car this morning:

Do I see a striking resemblance to the Abominable Olympic Snowman?

...ok, end tangent.

The highlight of the trip was a doe that we spotted near the top of the trail, casually grazing on some bushes, evidently unaffected by the nearby human traffic. Jay speculated that she recognized visitors from Santa Monica and Malibu as unlikely hunters, and therefore felt no threat. Julia added that she probably knew she could run faster than us anyway.

We reached the top of the trail, looked out to the horizon, and saw a beautiful...

...gray blanket of fog. Pretty much just like last time I was here, only without the rain. DOH!

After a brief rest and snack, we made our way back down the hill, and off to Santa Monica for some great Italian sandwiches. All in all, this was a fun little morning scamper, and I always enjoy some friendly company!

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